Friday, January 13, 2006

If heat rises then shouldn’t hell be cold?

There's a show that Ben and I stumbled upon called Brainiac, and it's British so I can't find a whole lot on Google about it, but here's the web site. They debunk myths and wives' tales, and it's funny and somewhat educational. One show we saw wanted to know the effect of electricity on the body's nervous system. So... they hooked a guy up to wires and sat him down at a table with a plastic cup of beer, and told him to pick it up. As soon as he did, they shocked him, and his hand crumpled up and sprayed the beer all over him. I thought this was very funny. Then they did the same thing about three times more, to see if the current affected him the same way, and it did. So... again, funny and somewhat educational. Anyway, there are a bunch of "teasers" on the site, like the title of this post.


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