Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Spammers getting smart

So recently at my office I have started getting spam email. It started coming from "Doctor," advertising all kinds of DISCOUNT DRUGS! Leviltra, Celebelx, Vioagra, Cidalis, and the like. It came through the social email list we have set up. Now, after much complaining by the staff here, we no longer get the "Doctor" emails, but now we do get emails from, for example, "Remunerate H. Twiddles," and in the last day, I've gotten one from Eyesight I. Zeta and one from Belligerent H. Stepbrother. They both want to sell me "The best toolkit for fixing your erection: Vitagra, Cigalis, Leviztra and more! Sweet price of OUR SITE". IT here says that they filter out literally millions of spam messages every day, but these still get through because the name they are sent from is not what appears in our inboxes. Those sneaky bastards!!

Listen up, Eyesight, Belligerent, and Remunerate: Someday, you will pay.


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