Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Knowledge at college

I just had a flashback to elementary school, maybe third or fourth grade. I was in my "Language Arts" class, and we were doing work in pairs. I wrote the word "colledge." The boy I was paired with said that wasn't how it was spelled. I was immediately horrified that I had misspelled something, and I didn't really believe him that I was wrong. He said he didn't think there was a "d" in the word. I said I thought there was. The teacher came over to see what we were doing and said, "Why would you think that?" I couldn't explain it, but realized later it was the word "knowledge" that mixed me up. Why would college and knowledge be spelled differently if they sound exactly the same? If I had ruled the world when I was 10, they would be "college" and "nollege." Though now I know there are rules and word origins and all that crazy stuff.

This stuck with me. And I still stop to think about the "d" when I spell either word.


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