Thursday, February 02, 2006

New Ebay feature obsession

It's not new, but it's new to me: Andale Counters. This is an Ebay affiliate site on which you can see how many people view your items, and whether that number is above or below the average number of hits on similar items. It's awesome. At the moment, all of the things I'm selling (27 of them) have more than average or average numbers of hits. And over 1,100 people viewed the items I sold in January! And that's unique visitors, not page refreshes. I was getting a bit worried lately that Ebay is too saturated (which I still think is true to an extent) but at least people are still looking.


At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the bday card. You rule. You win the thoughtful-sister-of-the-year award. Interestingly enough, I received four birthday cards this year and all four featured cats. I guess the word is out: I'm a cat person.


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