Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Saab guy is an asshole

I read this story in the New Yorker's October 3 issue yesterday, about how a woman who writes for the O.C. rubbernecked at an accident and bumped the Saab in front of her, the owner of which freaked out over nothing and insisted upon calling the cops and filing a report. The cop said he didn't see damage either. Then Saab guy billed the woman about $900 for a "crease" in the plastic cover of the bumper. Her fiance, a writer for The Office (this is obviously happening in L.A.), told him that was a load of crap, but he persisted. So, the fiance says he'll donate the $900 to the Red Cross for Katrina relief. The Saab guy says no first but then says he'll think about it. Meanwhile, the fiance tells his friends, then tells his blog, the sends out mass emails, and collects about $60K in donations for Katrina relief through the "Saab Guy Is an Asshole" fund. He then starts feeling bad for collecting money out of spite (most donors added comments like, "That guy is a real jerk!"), and cuts off the operation. In the end, Saab guy agrees to donate half of the $900 to the Red Cross, and use the other half to repair his bumper. Fiance never told Saab guy about the campaign, and the last comment in the article is made by Saab guy, saying he's considering sending back the check.

It's a damn good thing he didn't tell Saab guy, because I'm sure he'd be pissed! He could probably sue fiance guy for defamation of character or something silly like that. He sounds like the kind of guy who would (he's a lawyer, too).


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