Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Good things come in threes... and fours

I've gotten several freelance gigs since I started my part-time search for part-time freelance work. I'm moving to Pennsylvania in October, at which point I will ramp up my marketing and whatnot for freelance work (I might even become part of my husband's consulting company, InkCircle, which has been in hibernation) . But I've already had three writing assignments for a magazine, and out of the blue last week I got a request from a previous employer for an edit on a teacher resource book, and we've started talking about more work for them after that.

I certainly needed that, after a few serious disappointments! Now the only problem is finding time to DO all this while still working full-time (until 10/13!), getting a mortgage, and moving to a new state! I guess it's not a terrible problem to be too busy, especially considering the large "money funnel," as my father calls it, has been installed on top of the new house, before we've even closed!

On an off-topic note, but still in the disappointment category, while I was walking the dogs this morning, I watched in horror as the Waste Management guys threw ALL of the trash AND recycling into one dump truck today, after I had just put my carefully collected bag of paper in the "PAPER ONLY" recycling bin! I wrote to customer service on and asked my landlord to forward a note to the condo association in case anyone else is as bothered by it as I.


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