Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A grammar funny for your Tuesday enjoyment

The For Better or For Worse cartoon in I think Sunday's paper was posted on the email lists I get, and I got a kick out of it mostly because at first I wasn't really amused by it, I was sort of disheartened. I feel like I repeat this same "joke" to myself all the time. But, I guess that's what's funny about it.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Turning over a new leaf

Whoever says the life of an editress is boring doesn't know THIS editress! I've been jumping around the country, visiting friends, setting up shop from one coffee table to the next, and having a blast!

Freelancing is my calling. I absolutely love it. And, what's best is that while I was in the depths of despair, I got one of the best, most glowing responses from a client who asked me to take on an unorthodox project--one that another editor couldn't finish because of a personal emergency!

So, this was meant to be. Welcome to my new life, and let's look forward to the future! I feel like I'm finally getting to a good place.